Saturday, 8 September 2012

Goal! It's Syawal!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

I wrote this two days before Ramadhan ends where I’m still doubtful about the meaning of the victory in Syawal. As Iearned before in high school, Syawal is the month for us to celebrate our 30 days of fasting and that it is the day to visit relatives and enjoy luxurious food and pleasure.

In searching the real victory I tried to go global and see what’s happening around us and I found that in this world at this moment people are fighting for many things that reflects their faith. Let say if a group of scientists found out the best cure for AIDS and want the rest of the world to know and use it, they will provide evidence, they ll do research, they will do more conferences world-wide and lots of other things just for others to believe in this new cure and start using it. They are working hard to prove that their ‘faith’ is nothing but true.

So as mentioned in previous posts, we are FIGHTERS in Ramadhan, which obviously REFLECTS our FAITH. Isn’t it?

Are we only fighters in 30 days out of 365 days?

NO. or YES?

It’s a special month because? A real medium where you fight with you, yourself where nafs won’t get help from the experts (syaitan).

So this battle is equal. This battle will use you strength of iman and taqwa to build the new you. IT’s A BATTLE.

So 1st of Syawal is the victory of us fighting with nafs which is ourselves. Do you succeed or not?

What I had this morning, insyaAllah it is a tarbiyah from Allah that winning is for those who are able to push their taqwa to another level during Ramadhan. Brothers and sisters, do we manage to do so?

I would love to quote from my fav. Writer SAF

Jika kau merasa besar, periksalah hatimu 
mungkin ia sedang bengkak 
Jika kau merasa suci, periksalah jiwamu  
mungkin itu putihnya nanah dari luka nurani 
Jika kau merasa tinggi, periksa batinmu 
mungkin ia sedang melayang kehilangan pijakan 
Jika kau merasa wangi, periksalah ikhlasmu 
mungkin itu adalah asap dari amal solehmu yang hangus dibakar riya' 

Jangan lah kita merasakan kita sudah cukup, kita lah yang sudah berubah menjadi lebih baik sedangkan si dia belum si polan pun belum kerana ikhlas tu ialah rahsia antara Sang Penciptaan dan ciptaanNya. Wallahualam.

Maryam Unveiled

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